After the mysterious death of scientist, Dr. Devin Villiers, Det. Frank Turner and his partner are assigned to protect Villiers' colleague, who revealed that a veteran soldier was subjected to an experiment with the objective of creating the ultimate national security weapon an undetectable soldier. The experiment failed with disastrous side effects.
Over the course of one torturous night, a suicidal woman and the violent home intruder that saved her life test the limits of human endurance and the boundari..
Shelia, a single mom and sometime paranormal investigator, is enlisted to investigate a possible “haunting” at a widower’s farmhouse in East Tennessee.
Le Trou Watch online full. Four prison inmates have been hatching a plan to literally dig out of jail when another prisoner, Claude Gaspard, is moved into the..
With the help of her husband, a woman tries to get her rapist to own up to what he did to her by kidnapping him. He does not admit to the act, which means the..
Thomas and Bea are now married and living with Peter and his rabbit family. Bored of life in the garden, Peter goes to the big city, where he meets shady char..
Two women use seduction to steal from straying men. But when they discover one of their victims hiding millions in diamonds, the score of their lives becomes ..
An inspirational film of three strangers from three different walks of life setting out from Atlanta on a road trip to Knoxville, Louisville, and Nashville. T..